Modern Slavery

30th July 2024 (6 months ago)

👰 🏭 World Day Against Trafficking in Persons 🏭 👰

Human trafficking can take on all sorts of different forms in the modern world, and people can be used for many kinds of exploitative purposes. This might include forced marriages, forced begging by parent, spouse, or other controlling person, forced labor, sexual exploitation, criminal activity such as drug trafficking, or other forms of abuse. 😒

Do you do your bit in this fight to look after and protect as many workers as you can in your company? 🤔

Check they are working for YOU and not for the gain of someone else? 💷

We all have a part to play in this and yes we all are labour businesses and need to ensure we hit our clients KPI's, fulfilment and do a good job BUT NOT at the detriment of this important act!

#modernslavery #itsnotright #protectpeople #act

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